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Showing posts from 2015

Activity Intolerance NIC NOC

Insufficient physiological or psychological energy to endure or complete required or desired daily activities Defining Characteristics: Verbal report of fatigue or weakness, abnormal heart rate or blood pressure response to activity, exertional discomfort or dyspnea, electrocardiographic changes reflecting dysrhythmias or ischemia Related Factors: Bed rest or immobility; generalized weakness; sedentary lifestyle; imbalance between oxygen supply and demand NOC Suggested NOC Labels Endurance Energy Conservation Activity Tolerance Self-Care: Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) Client Outcomes Participates in prescribed physical activity with appropriate increases in heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate; maintains monitor patterns (rhythm and ST segment) within normal limits States symptoms of adverse effects of exercise and reports onset of symptoms immediately Maintains normal skin color and skin is warm and dry with activity Verbalizes an understa

Nursing Diagnosis : Bowel Incontinence

Nursing Diagnosis : Bowel Incontinence Mikel Gray NANDA Definition : Change in normal bowel habits characterized by involuntary passage of stool. Defining Characteristics: Constant dribbling of soft stool, fecal odor; inability to delay defecation; rectal urgency; self-report of inability to feel rectal fullness or presence of stool in bowel; fecal staining of underclothing; recognizes rectal fullness but reports inability to expel formed stool; inattention to urge to defecate; inability to recognize urge to defecate, red perianal skin Related Factors: Change in stool consistency (diarrhea, constipation, fecal impaction); abnormal motility (metabolic disorders, inflammatory bowel disease, infectious disease, drug induced motility disorders, food intolerance); defects in rectal vault function (low rectal compliance from ischemia, fibrosis, radiation, infectious proctitis, Hirschprung's disease, local or infiltrating neoplasm, severe rectocele); sphincter dysfunction (obste