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Showing posts from November, 2011

Sleep Pattern Disturbance

Sleep Pattern Disturbance Related To Impaired oxygen transport Impaired elimination Impaired metabolism Immobility Medication Hospitalization Lack of exercise Anxiety response Life-style disruptions As evidenced by Major : Difficulty falling or remaining a sleep Minor : Fatigue on awakening or during the day Dozing during the day Agitation Mood alterations Outcome : The patient will: Demonstrate an optimal balance of rest and activity A.E.B. ___ hours of uninterrupted sleep at night. Remain awake during the day. Nursing Interventions Explore with patient potential contributing factors. Maintain bedtime routine per patient preference. Takes sleeping pill as ordered by a physician. Provide comfort measures to induce sleep: Void before retiring. Coordinate treatment/meds to limit interruptions during sleep period. Limit the amount and length of daytime sleeping Increase daytime activity